Each individual enjoys bodily autonomy and have rights that no other individual or group may violate.

All fully–formed individuals have the freedom to decide what they knowingly and voluntarily consume.

Slavery can be an acceptable practice in certain circumstances, such as punishment for crime.

Freedom of expression should be unhindered by law regardless of the content or context.

Some forms of expression are offensive, such as hate speech, and therefore should be banned.

Political authorities need to control communications to prevent the spread of ideas that threaten society.

Provision of the internet should be monopolised by political authorities and made available free of charge.

People should be free to engage or abstain from religious activities that do not violate the rights of others.

Blasphemy laws should be brought back or strengthened to protect religion from its enemies.

The law should neither favour nor aggress against any particular religion, culture, or creed.

In the interest of equality, religious organisations should not be exempt from paying their fair share.

It is valid to say that if you have nothing to fear then you should have nothing to hide.

Transparency is vital to ensuring the accountability of institutions, political or otherwise.

The surveillance powers of political authorities should be expanded to combat terrorism and other threats.

People should be secure in their persons, homes, property, and communications.

To solve crimes the police need the power to conduct their affairs without consent or a warrant.

Sexual orientation, preference, or gender should have no impact on the treatment of individuals by the law.

Political authorities should have the power to define, license, or restrict personal relationships.

Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.

Access to abortion should be regulated by law to reduce or eliminate the practice.

The scope of criminal laws should be limited to the violation of the rights of others through force or fraud.

It is valid to say that when there is no victim, then no crime has been committed.

Certain medicinal and recreational drugs are a danger to society and should be made or remain illegal.

Police, fire, and ambulance services can be provided exclusively and effectively by the market.

People who assume the risk of harm to themselves are a burden on society and should be punished by law.

Restitution should be paid to victims or their families at the expense of the criminal or negligent wrongdoer.

Rights such as due process and the presumption of innocence only interfere with obtaining criminal convictions.

Juries should be able to judge not just the facts of a case but also the justice of the law.

Free market dispute resolution is ineffective and thus requires a system of justice funded through political means.

Prisons as they currently exist are a violation of individual rights and therefore should be abolished.

The only legitimate use of force is in defence of individual rights against physical aggression.

All people have the right to self–defence and they may agree to be aided by any other individual or group.

Individuals do not have the right to possess firearms and it should be made difficult or impossible to acquire them.

People who use violence to defend themselves from physical aggression should be prosecuted.

Property owners should be free to set the rules regarding the presence of weapons on their own property.

The law should restrict, register, and monitor the ownership, manufacture, and transfer of firearms and ammunition.

Ensuring that individuals have respect for property rights is fundamental to maintaining a free and prosperous society.

All forms of property contracts should be regulated and enforced by some kind of political authority.

People have the right to control and enjoy their property so long as their choices do not infringe on the rights of others.

The practices of eminent domain and civil asset forfeiture are abuses of political power that need to be eliminated.

To protect the poor from the rich, limits on profits, production mandates, and controls on prices are necessary.

For voluntary dealings, parties should be free to trade with whomever they want and on mutually–agreeable terms.

Landowners have no incentive to maintain natural resources and as such need to be regulated by a political authority.

To prevent the tragedy of the commons, such as pollution and misuse of resources, all land should be privatised.

Environmental protection requires that natural resources be held in common and private ownership restricted.

Profits hinder the behavioural changes required to protect the environment, necessitating political intervention.

Environmental advocacy and social pressure are a more effective means of changing behaviour than political action.

Politically–funded subsidies for energy production should be abolished, leaving the market free to decide what is best.

Energy pricing, allocation, and production are too important to be left to the market, necessitating political intervention.

People who think they are entitled to keep what they earn are being selfish and should just pay their fair share.

It is valid to say that contributing our fair share is the price we must pay for civilisation.

The budgets of political authorities should be balanced by curbing expenditure and not by raising revenues.

People are free to purchase any product or service they wish and should not be forced to pay for anything.

Free market banking, with competition among institutions of all types, is preferable to a central bank model.

Profits and losses are a burden for society to bear, not the individuals making the decisions.

Individuals who engage in voluntary exchange should be free to use as money any mutually agreeable object.

Inflationary monetary policies and legal tender laws damage the economy and should be abolished.

It is valid to say that, throughout history, money has been the root of most if not all the evils in the world.

People have the right to form partnerships, cooperatives, firms, and other entities based on voluntary association.

Private ownership of the means of production is theft, it should be owned by the workers instead.

Politically–funded subsidies and bailouts to business, labour, and other special interests should be abolished.

Politically–created entities should be able to compete with private enterprise within any industry.

Employment agreements should not be encumbered by the social engineering of political authority.

Employers and employees should be required by law to bargain with each other through a labour union.

Membership in a labour union should be a requirement for obtaining employment in any job.

Compulsory arbitration and bargaining are necessary to ensure that bosses do not exploit their workers.

Provision of education should be monopolised by political authorities and made available free of charge.

Free market education achieves greater quality, accountability, and efficiency with more diversity of choice.

The education of children is the sole financial responsibility of parents or guardians, not some political authority.

Health insurance exploits the sick and dying to make a profit and therefore should be regulated by law.

All individuals should be free to determine the level of health insurance they want, if any.

Health care is too important to be controlled by political action and should therefore be provided by the market.

Society has a vested interest in preventing loss of life, therefore suicide and euthanasia should be illegal.

Provision of health care should be monopolised by political authorities and made available free of charge.

Not all individuals will take responsibility for planning their retirement, therefore an age pension should be provided.

Politically–funded welfare should be replaced with voluntarily-funded insurance, charity, and mutual aid.

Most people will not voluntarily help the poor, therefore it is incumbent on political authorities to provide welfare.

Charity and civil society will weaken if political authorities do not have the power to direct such activity.

To ensure global stability, political authorities need to form alliances and act as the world police.

To ensure the security of a nation, service in the military should be compulsory for all citizens.

There is no such thing as inalienable rights and they can be suspended during times of war or crisis.

Intelligence agencies would not be effective if they were subjected to oversight and transparency.

Laws that create political secrets which prevent society from knowing the truth should be abolished.

Foreign policy should seek to keep a nation in a position of strength relative to that of other nations.

Foreign policy should favour defence rather than aggression and avoid diplomatic entanglements.

Foreign interventions, including military and economic aid, are necessary for preserving the security of the nation.

All people have the right to resist tyranny and defend themselves, their rights, and the rights of others.

To increase wealth and reduce poverty, all impediments to free trade should be abolished.

Political freedom and escape from tyranny require that individuals not be prevented from crossing political borders.

Trade is too important to go unregulated and should be restricted by some kind of political authority.

Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across political borders.

All people, without exception, are born with an inherent right to their life, liberty, and property.

There are some rights that can impose an obligation upon other individuals to fulfil that right.

Law should neither deny nor abridge human rights based upon biological characteristics or personal preferences.

Private organisations can set standards of association and individuals can respond with ostracism or boycotts.

Parents, or other guardians, have the right to raise their children according to their own standards and beliefs.

Parents should be able to abuse and neglect their children without fear of intervention from anybody.

Without the state to protect society from the violence of human nature there would be chaos and disorder.

It is the right of every individual to resist tyranny and abolish it, replacing it with a system that respects individual rights.

The state is an inherently immoral institution and should be torn down as soon as possible.



You were spekd as


You support maximum restrictions on both economic and cultural freedoms. You oppose all private property rights and all uses of money, as well as criticism of your ideology.

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You support heavy restrictions on cultural freedom and maximum restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose all private property rights and all uses of money, as well as criticism of your ideology.

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You support a balance of both cultural freedom and restriction alongside maximum restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose all private property rights and all uses of money.

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Democratic Socialist

You support light restrictions on cultural freedom and maximum restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose all private property rights and all uses of money, as well as the abolition of the state.

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You support maximum cultural freedom and maximum restrictions on economic freedom, as well as the abolition of the state. You oppose all private property rights and all uses of money.

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International Socialist

You support maximum restrictions on cultural freedom and heavy restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose most private property rights and uses of money, as well as criticism of your ideology.

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Authoritarian Socialist

You support heavy restrictions on both cultural and economic freedom. You oppose most private property rights and most uses of money, as well as criticism of your ideology.

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Social Democrat

You support a balance of both cultural freedom and restriction alongside heavy restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose most private property rights and most uses of money.

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Libertarian Socialist

You support light restrictions on cultural freedom and heavy restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose most private property rights as well as the abolition of the state.

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You support maximum cultural freedom and heavy restrictions on economic freedom, as well as the abolition of the state. You oppose most private property rights and most uses of money.

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National Socialist

You support a balance of both economic freedom and restriction alongside maximum restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose criticism of your ideology.

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You support a balance of both economic freedom and restriction alongside heavy restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose hate speech and criticism of your ideology.

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You support a balance of economic and cultural freedom moderated with state-imposed restrictions on both. You oppose political changes which would shift society away from such a paradigm.

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You support a balance of both economic freedom and restriction alongside light restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose economic deregulation and any reduction in taxes.

What is this? Why this spek?


You support a balance of both economic freedom and restrictions alongside maximum cultural freedom, as well as the abolition of the state. You oppose some private property rights and some uses of money.

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You support maximum restrictions on cultural freedom alongside light restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose increased economic regulations unless advantageous, as well as criticism of your ideology.

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Authoritarian Capitalist

You support heavy restrictions on cultural freedom alongside light restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose increased economic regulations unless advantageous, as well as criticism of your ideology.

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You support a balance of both cultural freedom and restrictions alongside light restrictions on economic freedom. You oppose increased economic regulations, as well as decreased cultural restrictions.

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Libertarian Capitalist

You support light restrictions on both economic and cultural freedom. You oppose increased economic regulations and the abolition of the state.

What is this? Why this spek?


You support maximum cultural freedom and light restrictions on economic freedom, as well as the abolition of the state. You oppose some private property rights.

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You feign support for maximum economic freedom while imposing maximum restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose economic regulations unless advantageous, as well as criticism of your ideology.

What is this? Why this spek?


You feign support for maximum economic freedom while imposing heavy restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose economic regulations unless advantageous, as well as criticism of your ideology.

What is this? Why this spek?


You support maximum economic freedom and moderate restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose economic regulations unless advantageous, as well as increased cultural restrictions.

What is this? Why this spek?


You support maximum economic freedom and light restrictions on cultural freedom. You oppose economic regulations and the abolition of the state.

What is this? Why this spek?


You support maximum economic and cultural freedom, as well as the abolition of the state. You oppose restrictions imposed by governmental institutions.

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